Traian Kianidis Traian Kianidis

From Warsaw to Bangkok

The people and the streets flashed past the windows and where I should have felt excitement about my upcoming trip, I felt nothing. I’d lost some of my spark. I wondered whether I could get it back.

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Traian Kianidis Traian Kianidis

Investing as a full time job

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what led me to investing, but I think there are a few critical pieces of the puzzle that I’ll list here. Perhaps they might help you if you are still searching for your place.

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Traian Kianidis Traian Kianidis

Why I started this blog

I start this blog not in the hope of any material reward. In fact I really don’t expect it to gain much popularity. But I have the urge to share what I’m learning as I journey through life. If it makes a difference to even one other person, then this blog will have been a success. It seems a shame to confine all the amazing things that I discover about people and the world to my journal and not share it with anybody. So here it is then.

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