The power in simple
"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
Ego resistance
“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding.” - The Kybalion
Spirituality in practice
Contrary to the popular trend, I don’t think being spiritual is heading off to a Peruvian swamp to drink ayahuasca. That’s a magic pill solution, and they almost never work. So what is spirituality then? Here are some practical steps.
The North Star
Wealth, success, relationships, family, these are all part of the journey, but where are we going?
Why I went to India
Within a few moments of landing I was clicking my heels and thinking, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home. Unlike in The Wizard of Oz I wasn’t transported home. You have to go through the adventure first before that trick works.
How to come out of your shell
At present in many societies we have an epidemic of loneliness and associated depression. We think we are more connected than ever, but that is just a digital illusion.
Here is how to fight back!
Dietary enlightenment
“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”
If only I'd listened to my ancestors a little earlier, I'd have saved myself a lot of trouble. I write this post to save YOU that same trouble.
The lone wolf - one year later
If you had asked me R U OK? I would have had to say, not really. One year later I reflect on the critical lesson I learnt from this rough patch.
Sleep like a baby
I have trouble sleeping once in a while, don’t you? Whether it’s getting to sleep, staying asleep without waking up at 3:40am, or waking up too early. So what gives?
Here is the surprising answer.
Choosing freedom
I gathered everything and like confetti at a wedding threw it high up into the air. All the anchors that were holding me down were no longer there.
Just like old times
In Japan as a foreigner, there’s not much chance of fitting in. The best you can do is not stand out too much. That’s OK though, I don’t mind enjoying Japan as an outsider.
To be right or to be happy
An update from me and a new technique that I learnt for letting go of the things that weigh us down.
Putting in the work
I know what I wrote last time resonated with a lot of people, but I missed something important. I need to set the record straight.
A priority setting hack
Is life about enjoying the journey or reaching a destination? I think this hack allows you to do both at the same time.
Bangkok off the beaten path
You don’t have to go far from the tourist hubs to see a very different aspect of the city. I took a walk recently into some of the hidden corners of Sukhumvit.
Principles of investing
There’s two ways to learn things in life. The first is through trial and error. Each time you make a mistake ideally you learn something and then you can improve the next time. Second, and the way to save yourself a lot of time, is to learn from others. Since I started to focus on investing I’ve done a lot of both. What follows are some of the principles I’ve learnt.
The digital trap
144 minutes a day. 75 hours a month. 5.1 years of your life.
Social media - The problem and how to fix it.
Should I set New Year’s resolutions?
We set goals and resolutions because we think that when we get there our lives will be better. But is that true?